“I think I fell in love with photography, out of love, and then in love again.”

I remember taking photos with my father with an Olympus 35mm print film when I was young. Feeling encouraged in Miami, Florida in high school when I won a photo contest. I enjoyed capturing an image that was mine. Maybe something someone else would not normally see. A photo that someone else felt an emotion to.

Then in college, I felt discouraged, seemed like the photo class I took was all about making money as a photographer. I took photos for weddings, for college football games, and other events. I didn’t like the job. I didn’t like the expectations of what the photos should be. I completely fell out of love of photography when it felt commercial and not an art.

Later in life, with zero expectations, I am in love with capturing moments. At first was just beautiful things, but now it seems like I want to capture the beauty of human emotions.
